Hi everyone,
I have just put up the
2008-09 seed list. (The link is also to the right under "Links"
It lists all of the seed Jan and I have collected this year
(plus the collecting days at Lancaster County Central Park with Tim Draude). Quite a bit of this seed is in very small quantities which Jan and I will be sowing in pots and growing on to multiply it for future distribution. The seed we have in larger quantities is for sowing in native plantings in the area this year!
There is a column flagging the species I think we should use for the backyard seedbank program starting with the workshop next week.
There are a PDF and MS Excel Spreadsheet fole of the 2008 list and also of a "complete" of plants recorded for Berks County, PA.
I still have some of the leftover seed from 2007 to inventory. There is quite a bit of some things like Indian Grass (
Sorgastrum nutans) and some other things which should still have good germination.